Certainly one problem in making money online would be not having a computer. A problem some people face when trying to make money on the internet is time. You might think this is an obstacle that cannot be overcome. In this article I will give you an idea on how to make money online without a computer that anyone can do.
Maybe you could start an email marketing business utilizing an auto responder and co-registration leads. You will need access to a computer one to two times a week in order for this to work. You could borrow your friends computer for a few minutes, or go to a local library with Internet access.
It is easy to purchase co-registration leads. There are lead companies who you pay a fee to and they will get you the leads.
This is a fast way to build an email marketing list. Use the auto responder company provided by the co-registration lead company and they can import your leads directly into your autoresponder.
You could hire a writer to create a series of follow up messages in your autoresponder. If you feel writing is not your forte. These should be informational type of messages that are designed to build relationships with your subscribers.
Over time you can add to these until you have several years' worth of content pre programmed. So how do you make money online using the strategy?
The easiest way to place links to your products in email messages is to join affiliate programs. Joining an affiliate network is a fast way to get an ID number for thousands of affiliate programs. You can join ClickBank and Commission Junction or other such networks to do this.
The only time requirement is to occasionally check in on your emails once you have this system in place. You do not need to follow-up with any of your subscribers personally because your autoresponder does all the work for you.
Your income will grow as your list grows. This makes it possible for you to make money on the Internet and still live anywhere in the world.
Another nice thing about this strategy is you are developing an income in the future as well. Just as some people develop an asset by building a large website, you can develop an asset of your own by building a large email marketing list.
This is just one example of how to make money online without a computer!
Glenn Buckman is a successful full-time internet marketer from Chandler Arizona where he lives with his wife Oksana. He is the founder of Synergy Cashflow Systems, LLC, a business dedicated to educating online marketers in the newest techniques on how to Make Money Online. Check out our training website at http://SynergyCashflowSystems.com
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