Sunday, December 23, 2012

Making Money Online - Avoid the Beginners' Pitfalls

For the past two years, I explored the Internet looking for ways to make money by using my computer. I wanted to find work I could do from the comfort of my own home and on my own schedule. You're probably looking to do the same thing.

If you are, you know there are many so-called "get rich quick" online programs that do nothing but take your money and provide no clear methods for you to make money. Let me share what I have learned to save you time and money.

My goal is to help you avoid the pitfalls I encountered.


1. First and foremost, there is no such thing as a "get rich quick" program, but with patience and a little bit of effort on your part, YOU CAN MAKE MONEY.

2. When choosing a program, the most important recommendation I can make is to know exactly what the program is and what they are selling. Then look for the following:

o Money-Back Guarantee.

o Materials and Instructions that can be Downloaded.

o Support in the form of FAQs, Email, or Phone.

It is a good idea to register for the program. By doing so, you will get the cost of the program. You will also find more detailed information about the program. If you find that the program is not what you're looking for, don't complete the check-out process.

Note: Opting out may cause a continual flow of email into your Inbox. But, you can stop this by "unsubscribing" or tagging these emails as Spam.

3. Before you start making money, any program you choose requires your completing several steps.

Depending on the program, you may need to:

o Read and review documentation and materials provided.

o Open accounts on other websites and host sites.

o Create tools for marketing and for generating traffic. (These tools are available online or are provided by the program.)

Did you find these tips useful?

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Did you know it takes 9 months for the average American to find a job? Can you afford to wait that long? Doing the necessary and proper research can cut that time in half! Find out how you can save time and money and reduce your job search frustration. My reviews make it easy for people to find the right programs for their specific needs. My website is

With thirty years experience as a writer, editor, teacher, and researcher, I am using my skills to review and evaluate online money making programs. I provide insight into those programs that are legitimate and valuable avenues for making money on the Internet, especially for people who want to work from home.

William J. Lewis